What is Intentional Health?

What is Intentional Health?

A common question we get asked is ‘what is Intentional Health?’  Followed closely by ‘who is it for’, and ‘how does it help change or even save lives?’

We do have a complex and more technical answer* but we’d invite you instead to ask the following question.


What do you want from your life?

  •  Do want to overcome feeling sick and tired of life?
  • Do you feel like negative habits, thoughts or emotions rule your life?
  • Are you fed up of yo-yo dieting?
  • Do you long for connection with others?
  • Are you always waiting for something new to just happen in your life?

Or would you like more to…

  • live life well?
  • Feel more in control of your lifestyle choices?
  • Feel healthier, happier & more hopeful in life…?


If it’s the latter, then we believe Intentional Health could be for you.

What do others say ?

  After Arthur joined a group he told us …

“This isn’t a slimming club, a fitness class or a counselling session, although all these issues are covered , it is a course designed to encourage us all to be intentional about our health and well being”


  After Ann joined, she said: 

The idea of being intentional is revolutionary for me. The fact that it covers so many aspects of health is a bonus, and it is great to have something that is holistic. Not only is the course material constructive and clear, the facilitators know their stuff and give lots of extra resources. So clever!  This has had ramifications for all aspects of my life, not just health.”


Pete also said:

“The phrase “living a healthy life is easy, but in today’s society being unhealthy is easier” has been one of the profound insights that has become a topic of many conversations with friends and family. It so succinctly highlights a key challenge that we need to overcome, but it’s full of hope – the life that we want can be much easier to achieve –  we just have to be more intentional about how we live!  

The way that the course is structured and run is proving that this life is possible. It’s enabling me to live a more intentionally healthy lifestyle. I’m enjoying the journey and the personal transformation, and I’m full of hope, with a vision of a much better future and increasing confidence that I will become the person I would like to be. Thanks to you and my new Monday morning online ‘family’ for all your help and encouragement. It’s making a big difference.  Thank you from a life transformed :-)”

Living a healthy life is easy quote


There are so many others already, who say similar things in different words, which is hugely encouraging for us, but somehow still doesn’t help answer your question… 


💡 Then we had an idea!

What if we invited someone to take us with them on their journey by writing a series of un-edited fly on the wall blogs about each session? 

The only rules would be, they had to be honest, and talk about the things they found easy and helpful as well as hard or challenging. 

So we asked Sophia if she’d join a course and write about each session. 

Sophia already regularly writes on her own blog Time For Tea, she’s Niky’s wise walking “buddy” (you can learn about that in the course) and was already signed up to take part in our next online intentional health course anyway. 

Thankfully, She said yes! 🙂 

For the next 10 weeks, we are delighted that Sophia will be writing a short, unfiltered blog post each week, about her authentic experiences, as she gets intentional about her health!  

We’ll be posting her experiences here – unfiltered and unedited (and thankfully honesty is one of her glowing qualities anyway). That means you can have a first-hand account of her experiences of what Intentional Health is, what she’s learning about and what she’s doing differently.  

We hope that will help you decide if you want to give it a try for yourself, and we hope that together, we all come up with a better answer to “What is Intentional Health?”

We look forward to seeing you back here next week for Session 1 🙂 

PPS  * If you also are still interested in our technical definition, feel free to get in touch directly.